我從不認為學生僅閱讀講義就當成可以培養「物理觀念」,這是非常錯誤的認知。相對正確的作法應該是上課認真聽老師講課並應事前多閱讀課本及其他相關教材內容,多方面去瞭解。當然基於考試,也是需要做練習題,以確認「物理觀念」是否有效建立。講義下載區活字印刷 |
- Motion Diagrams
- Constant Velocity vs. Constant Acceleration
- Graph matching (position + velocity graphs)
- 1-D motion: graphs
- Constant Acceleration, Same Physics
- Landing a rocket
- Ranking task - rank by acceleration
- Galileo's ramp (with sound)
- Relative velocity: race on a moving sidewalk
- Race between a dropped ball and one launched horizontally
- A ballistics cart
- Projectile Motion (set speed and angle)
- Projectile Motion (set initial velocity components)
- Projectile Motion (with motion diagram, velocity components, and graphs)
- Projectile Motion (with motion diagram and velocity components)
- Projectile Motion (changing the launch angle)
- Whole vectors
- The monkey and the hunter
- Motion with Constant Acceleration
- Circular motion
- A ball on a string
- A disk on a turntable
- Gravitron (carnival ride model)
- Car on a banked turn
- Connecting simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion
- A ball on a spring
- A ball on a spring - energy graphs
- A ball on a spring - with damping (friction)
- A spring wave (similar to pendulum wave)
- A Simple pendulum
- A simple pendulum, with damping